
Act 4-Riddles and Images

Prophecies #1:
In this prophecy, the witch is warning Macbeth that he should be careful about Macduff. After becoming the king of the Scotland, Macduff is the person who still loyal to the King Duncan and hostile to Macbeth’s kinship from the start. When Macbeth hears the warning from the witch, he does not really care about this warning because he knows Macduff is not in Scotland. Macbeth hires killers to kill Macduff’s wife and son. This action enrages Macduff and he finds the older son of the King Duncan Malcolm to unseat Macbeth. Macbeth has already become a tyrant, the only way Macduff and Malcolm could do is unseat Macbeth to protect their people and their country. In my image, I drew Macbeth sleeps on the bed, and Macduff holds a knife in his hand. Macbeth kills the King Duncan when he sleeps, and other people die when they sleep. Macbeth has to be careful that Macduff kills him when he sleeps.

Prophecies #2:
I think this prophecy is the most guaranteed prophecy for Macbeth to do everything he wants to do. In this prophecy, the witch tells Macbeth that he cannot hurt by any women born people. This is the prophecy lets Macbeth does not fear anyone. At the end of the play, when Macbeth duel Macduff, Macbeth does not feel afraid at all because he knows he cannot hurt by any women born people. However, Macbeth defeated by Macduff since Macduff tells him he is not a woman born person. In fact, Macduff was born from his mother’s womb through C-Section. This prophecy from the witch is cunning that it lets Macbeth think he is unbeatable and never worry about he might killed by someone. This prophecy illustrates that how the three witches use their knowledge to toy with and destroy human beings.
Prophecies #3:
This is the other misleading prophecy for Macbeth. When the three witches give this prophecy, Macbeth even thinks this is an absurd prophecy because the tree cannot move by itself. However, it moved by the enemy of people who want to unseat Macbeth. Their leaders are Macduff and Malcolm. They cannot bear Macbeth hires killers to murder their family and plan this action. They ask each solider hold a tree to camouflage to move, so that Macbeth will not discover their track. When Macbeth sees the tree approaches to his castle, he becomes afraid of his situation. “To doubt the equivocation of the feind that lies like truth; fear not, till Birnam wood come to Dunsinane. Arm, arm, and out! If this which he avouches does appear, there is nor flying hence, nor tarrying here. I’ gin to be aweary of the sun. ”(act.5.5-43)

